Mommy Moment | Fighting Food Allergies

Well, well, well… look who decided to end the quiet blogging streak! Before I get into my post, I just want to say something. You know what I’m starting to notice? Sometimes I go through these moments when I just don’t know what to write on my blog. I have these dry spells I guess where I feel my context is not reaching anyone. I don’t know if it’s because of the way WordPress is set up where I’m not able to have subscribers or if it’s another reason I’m not aware of maybe. Hey, I’m just guessing here… but when I feel this way, I find that I stop writing. Today, I told myself I will not get stuck up in my emotions and I would just write, so here I am.

So, welcome to a moment with Shona! I want to talk to you about something 2 out of 3 of my girls have been going through, and that’s food allergies. My 7 year old Rèinah was tested in 2015 and it showed that she was severely allergic to peanuts. My husband and I never gave her peanuts, but we did notice she had a small reaction to something we gave her, so we had her checked. She has to carry an Epipen Jr everywhere she goes just to be on the safe side. And our 2 year old daughter Lovèah was tested when she was a year, and results showed she was allergic to eggs & tree nuts. She too had to carry an Epipen Jr.

I felt so bad for Rèinah because she felt like she was missing out on so many treats that not only her siblings had, but her friends as well. I try to find food without peanuts and it’s so hard! Especially if I shop at Aldi or Walmart. And if I find foods that don’t have peanuts, I always have to check the “may contain” section of the ingredients because it lets me know if the food was processed in a nut factory. If so, then I would have to give Rèinah Benadryl beforehand. What child wants to take medicine before they can enjoy a meal or some cupcakes?! I guarantee no one is running up to you waving their hands yelling, “me, me, I do, I do! “ Let’s face it, it’s just challenging handling kids with food allergies.

So, it was time for an allergy update for not only Rèinah, but for Lovèah as well. Lovèah had blood work done 2 weeks prior and it showed that she is NO LONGER allergic to eggs & she is NO LONGER allergic to all nuts from the peanut family! I was sooo excited to hear about these results! It shows that kids can definitely grow out of allergies. Now, since we found this out, we are needing to do something called a food challenge at the allergy clinic. If you’ve never heard of this type of challenge, it basically means I need to bring the food item that my daughter was allergic to to the clinic and she will eat it in the doctor’s presence. If she has a bad reaction to it, then the doctor will be able to take charge of the reaction right at the clinic. This procedure takes 3-4 hours! That’s a bit long, but hey, it’s ok because it’s better to be safe then sorry. This is just making sure the test from the blood work was on point.


As for Rèinah, I will be taking her to get her blood work done tomorrow morning ( Tuesday, March 13th). So we should have her results soon after that. While we were at the clinic, the doctor checked Rèinah’s breathing because she has asthma. Rèinah did a breathing test where she would have to take a deep breath and blow all of the air into a machine. The numbers showed her breathing was weak, so her doctor listened to her lungs & it showed she had some abnormality. So she had to do a breathing treatment. After that, we waited 10 minutes and tried her breathing test again & she passed! So from now on, Rèinah would have to use a spacer {a long tube that attaches to her inhaler} every time she takes her inhaler. This way, we know the medicine is reacting her lungs. And after that, our appointment was finally over lol!    We have a productive day even though Rèinah missed school.

Do you have children with allergies or asthma too? I would love to hear some of the food you have found for them. I feel as mothers we can help each other out quite a bit because most of us go trough the same things. I look forward to hearing from you.


Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona

14 replies
  1. Nicole Gore
    Nicole Gore says:

    As I read your blog post I thought about the many unexpected challenges moms and dads have to face with their children. Thankfully I haven’t had any experience with any of my kids with regards to food allergies but your post was definitely an eye opener as to what’s inconveniences it involves such as the use of an epipen or taking Benadryl prior to treats etc…… Thanks for sharing

  2. Matthewcerne
    Matthewcerne says:

    проститутки выезд самара
    Ищете найти девушку легкого поведения в городе Самара? Мы предлагаем топовые шлюхи этого города для вашего удовольствия! У нас только надёжные проститутки с безупречным внешним видом и лучшим сервисом. Планируете пригласить девушку для встречи? Звоните нам, и ваши фантазии станут реальностью!

    Не теряйте возможность провести время с самыми сексуальными проститутками Самары. ??


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