Simply Shakeo

Hey there friends! How is your Saturday going? Hope all is well and you’re able to hang out with friends and family. Or you’re able to soak up some quiet time in a cozy spot in your home with just you, your cup of herbal tea and the sweet taste of RELAXATION…

While you’re relaxing, I want to talk to you about something that has literally changed my life from the inside out! So, I touched base on “words to live by” in a prior post, and that takes care of transforming your mind. Now, I want to share something that is constantly transforming my body!

September 2015, I was introduced to this health drink that I would later learn was like no other health drink I’ve ever had! My friend Chrissy Jones, who attends my church asked me if I wanted to join her and some other ladies in a 5 day Shakeology challenge group on Facebook. First of all, I had no clue what the heck Shakeology was and I wasn’t sure I really wanted to find out lol! But, I gave it a go and said yes I’ll join. Chrissy mailed my “Shakeo” to me and I jumped in the challenge with an open mind.

While in the challenge, I learned about the benefits of Shakeo and exactly how it had the potential to get me back to my pre-pregnancy shape, say whaaa?!!!! Yes!!! I was so game in that challenge! I showed up every day without fail! I participated in the mini challenges, posted pictures of me drinking Shakeo and even encouraged other ladies in the group. And guess what? I actually won a prize at the end and lost 5 POUNDS!! After that experience, I was hooked!

Let me be real honest with you. When I first started drinking Shakeo, I was NOT a fan. The thing that made me hesitant was the fact that it was a “protein shake” and I absolutely can’t stand protein shakes… yuk! But I found out that Shakeology is way more than your typical protein shake. It is my daily dose of nutrition sealed and delivered right to my door every month! It’s a simple way to gain all my nutrients in easy step! I don’t know about you, but I’m all for fueling my body with the right amount of fruits & veggies! I say, give me more!!

I want to share where my heart was when I started my journey with Shakeology vs where I am today.
In 2015: 

* I thought we couldn’t afford Shakeology because my husband was the only breadwinner and we have a large family.

* I experienced some stomach pain while drinking it the first week or so, which made me think I shouldn’t continue if it’s causing me pain.

* I was happy I lost 5 pounds in the beginning, and was curious to know if I would indeed lose more weight as fast as I did during the challenge.

* I was nursing my 4th baby and wanted make sure it was safe for me to drink.


* My husband said he knew that Shakeology could have the potential to help me, and he felt it was a good investment. We stepped out on faith and invested in something that we thought we couldn’t afford in the beginning, but now we are not only investing in Shakeology, but in Beachbody’s performance line {wish I will introduce another day} as well! And we are still living off one income {at the moment}.

* I no longer experience stomach pain, constipation, candy cravings, migraines, weak nails, low energy levels, and the list goes on! In 2015, the only reason why I had those stomach pains was because I was seriously unhealthy! My system was being flushed. And I also learned for those who have that same experience, we have vegan shakeo too!

* I have lost a total of 20 POUNDS thus far with the help of Shakeology , Beachbody workouts and healthy meal planning! I learned about portion control and it is beyond AWESOME!!

* And lastly, I also learned that Shakeology is totally safe to drink while pregnant and while nursing! Lovèah is 20 months and she has not had any breakouts and she’s allergic to walnuts. I have days when I give her a half of cup of Shakeo and she loves it!
So, I know I dropped a lot of information on you, but I love sharing what this simple healthy lifestyle is all about! Taking about it is a passion. And guess what? That’s not even ALL of the benefits!! Lol! No worries, I’ll be back another time to share more personal experiences as well as some fellow coaches and challengers! So, I’ll talk to you soon!

Until next time, laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life. – XO Shona~

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