Shona’s Dose of Motivation | Fizzy Bath Bomb Review

Good morning friends! I’m glad to see you decided to join me today on a moment with Shona. I will be pretty quick today as I am only giving a review.

So, let’s talk about how exciting bath bombs are like seriously, ah-mazing! My mama bird health & fitness Coach would always post on social media about these bath bombs and meanwhile I’m like, what the heck is a bath bomb? Lol! I did some research and knew I had to get my hands on at least one.

Yesterday, I randomly came across a sink full of bath bombs at a store called Gracie’s Cottage in Virginia. Y’all this store was incredible! They had the cutest stuff from perfect onesies with funny quotes on them to cozy benches, to frames, I mean the list goes on. I know I will be back to do some shopping for maybe mommy’s day out or something… who knows, but I know they will have my money either way lol!

Once I purchased the bath bomb, it was all I could think about all day. I just wanted to take a bath already lol! Once my day was finally winding down, I made it a point to use the bomb no matter how tired I was, just so I can share this review with you! So, let’s get started.


My bath bomb was $6.00. I was told since I workout, this bomb would be great for my muscles because of the lavender. I must say, I agree. I placed the bath bomb in the bath water and watched it fizz into nothing. The texture started off real smooth then it quickly changed into a prickly texture. It took roughly 3-4 minutes to dissolve completely. That’s when I turned off the bathroom lights and let my led candles dance to the vibes I had playing on Spotify. Let me just say this, I did NOT want to come out that tub lol! It was nearing midnight when I finally gave in.

Within 10 minutes, my body was completely relaxed, so much so that I thought I would actually fall asleep in the tub lol! I literally felt like I was floating on a cloud that’s how relaxed I was. The bomb left my skin feeling oh so soft & I smelled wonderful. The only issue was, I didn’t buy more than one!


I would highly recommend bath bombs to anyone dealing with stress or anxiety. I say that because I was stressing before I went in the tub and afterwards, I was super calm and was just ready to lay my head on my pillow for the night.

I hope to hear some great stories about your bath bomb experience as well. Tell me which bomb is your favorite & if you feel it really relaxes you from a long day of being a busy wife and or mama bee.


Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona

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