Homeschooling with Rosie

Is it possible to “homeschool” a 1.5 year old? This is the question I had when I decided to start teaching Lovèah Rose, our 4th child. So to answer that question, of course it is possible!


Rosie is doing great with her learning! I have created an easy system. Because Rosie is so young, her attention span is like a typical toddler lol! So I try to get at least 3 short lessons done every other day.

Now, if you’re a SAHM as well & you’re thinking about homeschooling your baby, I say go for it! It’s so worth it when they’re young because they absorb everything like a sponge!

The key to homeschooling is consistency! Make time to sit down and create a simple schedule that you and your child can follow. If your child is 2 or older, you can make a hands-on schedule board and place it where he/she can reach it. Be as creative as you want and I’m sure your little one will enjoy preparing for school even more!
Now that you have an idea of when you want to teach your child, what the heck do you put on the schedule? Lol! If you’re thinking this, it’s’s totally normal! So just relax and let me share what I do.
I know of this handy dandy site called Pinterest. If you love it like I do, then you know that you can find just about anything on that website! And I do mean anything. It’s so easy to find activities for Rosie. I just search “toddler homeschooling ideas” and there are countless options! I kind of have to pull myself away after a while because I can stay on Pinterest for hours!


Here are four of my go to websites:





I’m confident that the list above will help you get the ball rolling! Below are some activities I tried with Rosie along with some of my own lessons I do with her.



Bible Reading: 

We are a Christ following family, so I start Lovèah’s lessons with an age appropriate Bible reading.


Your Baby Can Read: 

After that, we move onto our Your Baby Can Read lessons! Rosie absolutely loves these lessons! I started her on this program when she was roughly 4 months! My mother-in-law ordered this program in roughly 2009.

If you would like to check it out, the website is It’s well worth the investment!
Shapes & Colors:

Rosie blows my mind every time we do lessons. I only taught her this twice before she picked it up on her own! She does this activity about 3-4 times in one sitting lol! I made this activity out of a Kix cereal box. I made the colored shapes, wrote the name of the shapes & the color on each one, I laminated it “Mommy style” using clear heavy tape. And made another set of shapes the same size. I haven’t laminated that set yet, but I will soon!

Motor Skills:

I found this awesome lesson on Pinterest of course. I had to assist Rosie open the pins, but after a while, she got one-two on her own! This is great for building up those motor skills!


Another motor skills activity I let her do is coloring. Rosie holds her crayons pretty well so far!


I usually do counting while I get her dressed for the day. We count to 30. And sometimes we count by 10’s to 100.

Again, I do this while I get her ready for the day! She loves it because I sing it like Elmo! And I also allow Rosie to watch 3-4 learning shows as well.


And that’s pretty much it. Try not to overthink things when getting started. Just let your child have fun while learning. Let me know what you come up with and what things you liked about Pinterest!


Until next time, “laugh hard, love harder, capture each moment & sprinkle a little joy in someone else’s life.” – XO Shona~






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